Heard at Our House

1.  KB: “What are these?”
Me: “They are called cassette tapes. We put music and stuff on them before there were cds.”
KB: “Bubba says you guys lived back in the olden days. . . .like 1999 or something.”
Me: silence

2. After packing glasses serving pieces in bubble wrap and taping boxes shut for almost an hour, KB says, “What do you say we wrap it up and go to Chick-fil-a for dinner? (Do you see what I did there? Wrap it up?”

3. I was looking online at schools in Ft. Collins and trying to make sense of all I saw. KB walked in and started looking over my shoulder. . .
KB: They are all wearing the same clothes. Does that school have uniforms?
Me: Let’s see if there is a dress code in their handbook. Oh, it says that everyone wears khaki or navy on the bottom and you have to pick from four colors for your shirt. That’s not too bad. . . you get to pick from FOUR colors. Let’s read it out loud.”

I begin to read and it says that girls must wear solid socks and brown shoes and the solid color shirts. Then it reads, “Tops may not have stripes, prints, designs of any sort or size, or logos. No writing, drawing, or depiction is allowed on any top.” I barely make it past “designs of any sort” and KB interrupts with, “Mom – that school is NOT FOR US. I would rather do home school that give up stripes and dots.”


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3 Responses to Heard at Our House

  1. marlene barron says:

    Praying so hard for sweet KB. Funny….I remember uniforms as scary when I was a kid — it was always a threat in our small town..never happened. Now that I am a Mom…..it is liberating!!!!! School clothes shopping is a breeze!!! Oh, sweet KB! My dear sweet nephew is a sophomore at Colorado State University. My sister and brother in law graduated from CSU. Praying so hard!!!

  2. Debbie says:

    KB is a hoot! 1999 does seem like ages ago sometimes!

  3. Regan Luthin says:

    Now that’s a girl after my own heart! KB, Miss Regan does not ever want to give up stripes or dots either!
