Bubba singing

So, I put my son on YouTube. I figure it is the only way for my family to see such a large file – it just won’t email. You can see him here. It’s Jesus Loves Me for those who don’t speak Bubbese. Enjoy!

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6 Responses to Bubba singing

  1. april b says:

    so cute….sorry you had such a hard day.

  2. stephanie says:

    LOVED it!!! It was a great little window into your world.Steph

  3. Anonymous says:

    Very cute,thanks for sharing 🙂Sarah N

  4. Jawan says:

    Bubba is a hoot and I can hear Little in the background joining in!

  5. Amanda says:

    Too cute!! That is adorable! ~ Amanda Skinner

  6. Melissa P says:

    Good filming Becky; it is rare to catch such cuteness on tape…. what a sweetheart!Melissa P
